About Us:
We are a diverse network of donors, shoppers, volunteers, and employees.
In short, we're a community.
Donors have a place where they know their gently used possessions will find a new home and fund a local ministry reinvesting in the community.
Shoppers discover great deals and have the peace of mind that their purchases are not just a thrifty and sustainable investment in their own lives, but a rich and rewarding investment in the lives of others.
Volunteers find both meaningful and productive work while building friendships and serving as examples of hard work and sacrifice.
Employees enter an environment where it's okay to be "in progress" (aren't we all!?!) while at the same time using the gifts God has given them in the service of others.
"More than a thrift store, our vision is to enhance the lives of all of the neighbors we come in contact with.
Our hope is that a beautiful byproduct of our mission to provide a restorative work environment for those looking to make progress towards a healthy life as God defines it will be the strengthening of everyone who walks through our doors."